You are currently viewing Kaya and Johanne

Kaya and Johanne











Those two friends love fresh and sun­ny sum­mer colours:  Meet Kaya and Johanne!   Dressed in gar­ments of finest organ­ic GOTS cer­ti­fied fab­rics and deli­cious yarns, these dolls  are ready to be loved and cud­dled with. Best qual­i­ty organ­ic mate­ri­als, many sweet details and pre­cious acces­sories, as gen­uine amethyst bracelet, antique West­phalian lace, char­ac­ter­is­tic time­less and a bit nos­tal­gic appear­ance insure these dolls heir­loom qual­i­ty. That makes  them suit­able for a gen­tle play to an old­er child or a for those child at heart.
Kaya and Johanne are now avail­able here.

Love, Ele­na