The European Waldorf Doll Making Seminar in Mennorode (the Netherlands) on 31th April – 01th May approaches. Now, when all we need is ready here, I am looking over this creative mess, thinking about these weeks full of work and inspiration. Lots of thoughts, emails, drawings, sewing, stuffing and knitting. Fine! : )
Here is Mary-Ann, my prototype for the doll, we are going to made during the workshop, she is ready now. Ready are her clothes and some more clothing sets for the freshly made dolls.
Ready are some pre-made doll-wigs, made with DollyMo mohair and mohair bouclé in wonderful warm colours for those, who might not manage a full wig on the workshop.
Ready are pre-sewn and pre-cut body parts, nicely packaged together with a little present to the participants.
I shall take with me a bunch of little pouch gnomes and also some little baby dolls, listed in my shop.
My artist bears and hares are just exited to make this long journey with us.
Lina, my new 17in doll, together with her little gnome friend, will also travel to Mennorode with us. Tomorrow I´ll tell more about her here in my blog.
I am happy to announce, that selling directly, this time I´ll be able to offer you special price to all items you shall find on my presentation table.
Wishing a wonderful good evening a sweet dreams to all,