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EllyGems: Handmade and Precious

EllyGems – it is all about stones in my life.

Handmade bracelet give-away. Handmade in Germany.

After having have quite a busy, but and also wonderful, exiting and thoughtful  time with all the sparkling, amazing, and mysterious  gemstones beads spread all over my work table, I am now so thrilled launching my new shop, dedicated to genuine and authentic, minimalistic style handcrafted jewellery for every occasion. I called it Ellygems, having assotiated that name with a short form of my own first name.  In Ellygems I am following my passion for hidden beauty of the nature and my factination about all things oxymoronic:  the whole history and the only moment in one piece – that is what genuine earth mined gems are to me. To explore the subtle yet sparkling beauty of nature itself  in that highly concentrated form of natural gemstones, it is pure joy. I love it to make this beauty visible and to share it.

Handmade gemstones bracelet give-away. Handmade in Germany.To make this feast of gentle colours perfect,  I would love to offer my very first Ellygems bracelet give-away. I believe, that must be something oxymoronic. Something blue, don´t you think? Something like this… ♥♥♥

bracelet give-away by Atelier Lavendel